Resultados: 12

Education in Diabetes Mellitus for blood glucose self-monitoring: a quasi-experimental study

Rev. bras. enferm; 72 (6), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the contributions of an educational program for capillary blood glucose self-monitoring. Method: a quasi-experimental study performed in an outpatient unit of a tertiary health care service in a sample of 25 people with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, from July 2016 to Decembe...

Educational Workshop using games improves self-monitoring of blood glucose among children

ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational workshop using games to improve self-monitoring of blood glucose techniques for school children with type 1 diabetes. Method: a quasi-experimental study was conducted with school children who attended two outpatient clinics of a univer...

Programa de gerenciamento de doenças crônicas em um plano de saúde, são paulo, brasil

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 15 (2), 2016
RESUMO Atualmente as doenças crônicas não transmissíveis são as principais causas de morte no mundo. Consideradas doenças multifatoriais, têm em comum fatores de riscos modificáveis tais como inatividade física, colesterol elevado, excesso de peso, tabagismo, consumo excessivo de bebidas alcoól...

Factors associated with complex surgical wounds in breast and abdomen: a case-control observational study

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify factors associated with complex surgical wounds in the breasts and abdomen in outpatients. Method: observational case-control study involving 327 patients, distributed into 160 cases (complex surgical wound) and 167 controls (simple surgical wound). Data were extracted f...

Comparison of education group strategies and home visits in type 2 diabetes mellitus: clinical trial

ABSTRACT Objective: to compare the adherence and empowerment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus for self-care practices and glycemic control in group education strategies and home visits. Method: Clinical trial with ten randomized clusters, performed with 238 patients with type 2 diabetes mellit...

Risk factors for unstable blood glucose level: integrative review of the risk factors related to the nursing diagnosis

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify evidence in the literature on the possible risk factors for the risk of unstable blood glucose diagnosis in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus, and to compare them with the risk factors described by NANDA International. Method: an integrative literature review gui...

Educational interventions for knowledge on the disease, treatment adherence and control of diabetes mellitus

Abstract Objective: to assess the effect of educational interventions for knowledge on the disease, medication treatment adherence and glycemic control of diabetes mellitus patients. Method: evaluation research with "before and after" design, developed in a sample of 82 type 2 diabetes mellitus patie...

Factors associated with glycemic control in people with diabetes at the Family Health Strategy in Pernambuco

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 50 (6), 2016
Abstract OBJECTIVE Identifying factors associated with glycemic control in people with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) registered in the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Pernambuco, Brazil. METHOD Associations between glycemic control (glycosylated hemoglobin A lower or equal to 7%) presented by people wi...

Glycemic control strategies and the occurrence of surgical site infection: a systematic review

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 50 (5), 2016
Abstract OBJECTIVE To analyze the evidence available in the scientific literature regarding the relationship between the glycemic control strategies used and the occurrence of surgical site infection in adult patients undergoing surgery. METHOD This is a systematic review performed through search on th...

Comparaçäo dos níveis glicêmicos obtidos pelo dextrostix e exame laboratorial

Rev. baiana enferm; 8 (1/2), 1995
O trabalho teve como objetivo comparar os resultados de glicemia obtidos através do exame laboratorial e exame com Dextrostix. A amostra constituiu-se de 164 indivíduos, e as variáveis estudadas foram antissepsia (com e sem) e fita (cortada ou näo). Para análise estatística foi utilizado o Experime...